Ακοή (Akoé)
Ö1 Radio Play Award | Design Draft Basics

Worked on designing the Ö1 Hörspielpreis award. The award is for Austria’s leading cultural and information for radio art, music and more. ”Ακοή”(Akoé) Origin: greek word for hearing. My design is inspired by an Ear Trumpet (Hörrohr). It was a device created in the 17th Century, for partially deaf people, acting as a hearing aid. It is a funnel shaped device that receives sound waves over a large area and concentrates it to a smaller area. Despite it being a great invention, the design had a few issues. One of them being having to constantly hold the object with one of their hand, in order to keep it in their ear. Hence, they created the ‘Acoustic Headband’; unfortunately this was still a bit uncomfortable as they constantly had something on their head. After all of my research, on the sense of hearing, I was able to gather my key points. Firstly, to represent the Ö1 Radio Station. Another to have something to do with hearing as the slogan of the station is “Ö1 gehört gehört”. Lastly, something that would be presented in the house and the receiver would like to ‘show-off’. After gathering all of this information I was able to come up with the design. It would be something that would act as a hearing aid and could be worn comfortably around the outside of the ear. There would be an additional piece where it would be placed on and be presented on the day of the competition consisting the name of the event, radio play title and year. An additional thing I really liked about the design is that it can be made from different type of materials. I tested this by using materials such as paper, cardboard, moldable concrete, plasticine, tape, aluminium foil and even styrofoam (it could also be 3D printed). This design is very unique and interesting. It looks fun both on the stand and worn on the ear. When looking at it, each viewer can interpret the meaning of the shape, which only brings it even closer to the winner as they connect to it more.