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My name is Artemis Dundovic, also known as Arty.  Currently, I am an Industrial Design student at the University of Applied Arts, in Vienna.  I decided to create this platform as a way for me to showcase my creations (portfolio).  Projects made while learning and also outside projects during my free time.

Since beginning my journey in this field, my dedication to the work and motivation to grow have led me to exceptional projects and experiences. I have created adoon as a studio space in order to showcase myself as a designer.





Artemis Dundovic


Language Learning Tools |Presented at the Angewandte Festival |June 2024

HMUA Ass. |Mömax/Möbelix |January 2024

Social Media Coordinator | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | March 2022 - July2022


Mag.des.ind., Industrial Design | Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien | 2020 - today

Diploma in Foundation Studies, Art and Design | Aigaia School of Art and Design | 2018  - 2020

High School Diploma | The English School, Nicosia | 2014 - 2020


Mechanical Design (CSWE - Mechanical Design) | Solidworks | 2023

Teaching English as a foreign Language (TEFL) | The TEFL Org | 2022

Diploma in Foundation Studies, Art and Design | Aigaia School of Art and Design |2020

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