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Language Learning Tools


[presented at the Angewandte Festival 2024]

In today’s world our society and lifestyle is creating a need for learning a new language because technology is opening new doors.  Languages don't just help us talk to people from different places; they also help us understand their culture, make our brain sharper, and give us the confidence to handle all sorts of languages. 

Looking at the evolution of language learning tools from more traditional methods like book, audio and film based learning to more innovative methods such as gamification, online learning and inclusion of ai and vr based learning many issues arise like not having cultural nuances or inconsistent lesson structures or even lack of grammatical and real

life scenarios.

Even experiments like Esperanto, a language created for global communication, and the concept of lingua franca still shape discussions about the future of language education. And a language like Bliss symbols which was created in order to have peace within languages. With looking at the symbols you wouldn’t even have to use words, words which

could be manipulated and language barriers would be ‘thrown out the window’. 

Successful language learning often requires finding a balance among various teaching methods and tools, as emphasized by neuroscientist Michael T. Ullman. This balance involves grasping the rules and structures of a language, known as declarative memory, and developing the ability to use the language naturally and fluently in context, referred

to as procedural memory.

"Communication is a fundamental aspect of life, not limited to humans. Various living organisms employ diverse methods to convey information, ensuring survival, cooperation, and reproduction"

In '2001: A Space Odyssey,' when the monolith is touched, it's like a symbol for the natural curiosity and exploration that exists in living organisms.  This connection implies that when we face something unknown, it sparks awareness, understanding, or even a jump in intelligence.  It's like a form of communication between what's unknown and the observer, suggesting a universal way all living things approach the mysteries, no matter what stage of evolution they're in.  The scene really brings out this timeless link between all living beings

and the enigmas that lie beyond.  


In today's evolving technological world, we are fully involved in the digital scene. always linked up through our devices at work, at home and even on our daily commute.  We have been using technology as a constant companion for years, but what if we could make it more than just a handy tool?  What if we could use it to spark real-world adventures and

build authentic connections?

 Lingo Quest redefines the traditional boundaries of language learning by merging the thrill of real-world exploration with cutting-edge digital interactivity. This innovative app uses augmented reality and GPS technology, transforming mundane learning exercises into an adventurous quest across actual landscapes. As learners navigate through physical spaces, they engage with tailored linguistic challenges at local landmarks and cultural hotspots, enhancing their dialect

comprehension and cultural literacy.

Key Features:
-Dialect inclusion

-Real-World Exploration

-Interactive Challenges with a Purpose

-Social Interaction and Collaboration

-Customisable Avatars and Gamification Elements

-Local Events Implementation

-Adaptive Learning Paths


The depth of human interaction goes beyond the words we choose including emotions, culture, shared experiences and to belong to a part of something. It is something that machines cannot replicate. Despite AI's capabilities, it will never

match human innovation and creativity. 

“We crave for new sensations but soon become indifferent to them. The wonders of yesterday are today

common occurrences.”

¬ Nikola Tesla

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