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Paper Art | Art & Design Foundation Programme

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I created a 3D wearable sculpture that was combined with the human body.  This was my first attempt at paper art and especially in body sculpture.  The action of folding a white paper in a simple form and when repeated creating a more complex object with mesmerizing patterns amazed me.  The geometric shape of the wearable sculpture, with the contrast of the organic flow of the human figure, allows the two to blend in together, ignore their contrast and join to become one.  My inspiration for this design came across the jewellery making techniques, origami, paper and fashion.  I always enjoyed fashion and was never influenced by brands but by the practicality, design and combination of different accessories, clothes and makeup. 'Power' can be worn as a necklace, headpiece and even a bracelet and yet still carry out the same Power; emphasise the self-confidence, elegance and virtuousness of the human figure.

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