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Wearable Objects

Fashion | Experimentallabor Kunstoff 1

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Consists of a figure created to represent Ohrwurm(earworm), a song that is constantly and involuntarily stuck in your head. There is a futuristic approach to the design giving the fundamental idea that this is a product that once you put it on it collects the ‘earworm’ and your mind is free. 

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Consists of a figure that is inspired by the Native American style bead and hairpipe loop necklace. Its formation was shifted a bit to look more like ribs and the stomach of a body. The beads used bring emphasis to the shape and the different bead shapes used represent the organs in the body. 

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Consists of a crown with beads and chain. The chain is used to support the crown on the neck and also create an illusion of a necklace. It comes into combination with the ‘Ribs’ project to create the whole look of a Khaleesi. 

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